
Publication Spotlight
Published by David Kordansky Gallery, 2024.
Monographs and Solo Exhibition Catalogues
Sherlock, Amy. Betty Woodman: Conversations on the Shore, Works from the 1990s. New York: David Kordansky Gallery, 2024.
Berlind, Robert. Betty Woodman: Between Sculpture and Painting. Fort Dodge: Blanden Memorial Art Museum, 1999.
Betty Woodman: A Visit to Rome. Florence: Galleria Alessandro Bagnai, 2009.
Danto, Arthur C. Betty Woodman. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1996.
DeBellis, Vincenzo, ed., et al. Betty Woodman: Theatre of the Domestic. Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2016.
Drake, Cathryn, et al. Betty Woodman: Teatros. Théâtres. Theaters. Milano: Skira Editore, 2005.
Guichon, Françoise. Betty Woodman: Glass. Marseille: CIRVA, 1996.
Harris, James R. Betty Woodman. St. Louis: The Greenberg Gallery, May 1987.
Koplos, Janet, Arthur C. Danto, and Barry Schwabsky. Betty Woodman. New York: The Monacelli Press, 2006.
Panicelli, Ida, et al. Betty Woodman. Brescia: Galleria Massimo Minini, 2009.
Perrone, Jeff. The Ceramics of Betty Woodman. Reading: Freedman Gallery, Albright College, 1985-86.
Princenthal, Nancy. Betty Woodman. Sedalia: Daum Musuem of Contemporary Art, 2002.
Schwabsky, Barry. Betty Woodman. New York: Salon 94 and Skira, 2011.
Sims, Patterson. Betty Woodman: In the Garden. Short Hills: Greenwood Gardens Publications, 2016.
Staal, Gert, Janet Koplos and Peter Schjedahl. Opera Selecta: Betty Woodman. ‘s-Hertogenbosch: Het Kruithuis Museum, 1990.
Taragin, Davira S. Betty Woodman. Birmingham: David Klein Gallery, 2012.
Other Books and Catalogues
Betty Woodman – L’Allegra Vitalità delle Porcellane. Florence, Italy: Palazzo Pitti, Museo delle Porcellane, 2009.
Ceramica Viva. Milan: Hoepli, Ulrico, S.p.A, 1979.
The Mad Potter of Biloxi: The Art and Life of George Ohr. New York: Abbeville Press, 1989.
Shards: Garth Clark on Ceramic Art. New York: D.A.P. and Ceramic Arts Foundation, 2003.
American Potters Today. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986.
A Century of Ceramics in the United States, 1878-1978. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1979.
Art for Everyday: The New Craft Movement. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1990.
History of American Ceramics: The Studio Potter. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1978.
The New Ceramics: Trends and Traditions. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1986.
Traité de La Porcelain de Sèvres. Dijon: Editions Faton, 2003.
Slipware: Contemporary Approaches. London: A + C Black and Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
Understanding Art. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010.
Clay Talks: Reflections by American Master Ceramists. Minneapolis: Northern Clay Center, 2004.
Pattern, Crime & Decoration. Paris: Les Presses Du Reel, 2020.
Tradition and Change: The New American Craftsmen. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.
5x7: Seven Ceramic Artists Each Acknowledge Five Sources of Inspiration. Alfred: New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, 1993.
The Abstract Vessel: Ceramics in Studio. London: Bellew Publishing, 1991.
Ornamentalism: The New Decorativeness in Architecture and Design. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1982.
Western Artists and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design. Mumbai: The Shoestring Publisher, 2013.
Somewhere Between Naples and Denver. Denver: Denver Art Museum, 1988.
Studio Porcelain. London: Chilton, 1980.
Color and Fire: Defining Moments in Studio Ceramics, 1950-2000. New York: Rizzoli, 2000.
Clay Today: Contemporary Ceramists and Their Work. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1990.
American Art & Philanthropy: Twenty Years of Collecting at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Houston: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2010.
Modern Design in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980—1990. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Harry N. Abrams, 1990.
World Famous Ceramic Artists’ Studios. Hebei: Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004.
Nelle Ceramiche C’è Tutto. La Loggia: Centro d’Arte La Loggia, 2000.
A Potter’s Guide to Raw Glazing and Oil Firing. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980.
Decorative Arts and Design. The Monteal Museum of Fine Arts' Collection. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2012.
American Ceramics: Everson Museum of Art. New York: Rizzoli International, 1989.
Destination Art: 500 Artworks Worth the Trip. London: Phaidon, 2018.
Crafting a Legacy: Contemporary American Crafts in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art and New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2002.
Couples Discourse. University Park: Palmer Museum of Art: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006.
A Decade of Pattern: Prints, Pieces and Prototypes from the Fabric Workshop. Philadelphia: The Fabric Workshop, 1988.
An Industrious Art: Innovation in Pattern and Print at The Fabric Workshop. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1991.
Salt-Glazed Ceramics. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1977.
Raku. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1975.
Women and Ceramics: Gendered Vessels. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000.
Low Fire Ceramics. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1982.
Women’s Work. Tarrytown: Lyndhurst, 2022.
Arts décoratifs et design. La collection du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. Paris: Éditions de La Martiniere, 2012.
Miller-Keller, Andrea. Betty Woodman / MATRIX 119. Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1992.
American Ceramics 1876—Present. New York: Abbeville Press, 1988.
American Potters: The Work of Twenty Modern Masters. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1981.
Essays and Reviews
“Pattern Recognition: In the 1970s and ‘80s a bold group of American artists embraced vibrant color, ornament, and craft.” Art in America, Sep. 2019.
"Betty Woodman at the Metropolitan Museum of Art." American Ceramics 14.2 (2003).
“Betty Woodman: More is More.” La Revue de la Céramique ed du Verre 149 (July-Aug. 2006): 30-38.
Porcelain: Traditions and New Visions. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1981. “Engine of Delight.” Keramik Magazin November/December 1997.
“The AI Interview: Betty Woodman.” Art Info, 3 May 2006.
“Betty Woodman: New York/Florence.” Purple Magazine, Fall/Winter 2017: 410-417.
“Comic Strip Gaze, Cosmic Ship Grays, Ceramic Slip Glaze: From Henri Matisse to Betty Woodman.” Mousse, Feb. 2015.
“Betty Woodman at Max Protetch and the Musée des Arts Decoratifs.” Art in America, Dec. 1994: 110.
“Reveling in the Joy of Clay.” The Star-Ledger, 20 Dec. 2002.
“One Good Urn Deserves Another.” ARTNews, May 2006.
“Betty Woodman.” The New York Times, 22 Apr. 1988: C33.
“Betty Woodman: Museo Marino Marini.” Flash Art Italia Online, 15 Oct. 2015.
“Glaze and Haze: Mastering Clay Pots and Rooftop Smoke.” Newsday, 28 Apr. 2006: B21.
“Clay Molds.” Vogue Italia, Aug. 2013.
“Betty Woodman.” Sculpture, Jan./Feb. 2007.
“Betty Woodman: Le Felici Trasgressioni della Ceramica.” Artigianato, Apr.-Jun. 2007.
“Betty Woodman.” Ceramica 104 (2007).
“Met Exhibit Honors Artist’s Feats of Clay.” Rocky Mountain News, 22 Apr. 2006: 1D, 6D.
“Betty Woodman regina della ceramica.” La Nazione, 24 May 2008: XI.
“Betty Woodman.” American Ceramics 3.4 (Fall 1985): 68–69.
“Prints of 2006 From New York Printshops.” The New York Sun, 25 Jan. 2007.
“Ceramicist Betty Woodman Sets the Table for Two Collectors.” House & Garden, Sep. 2003.
“La Manufacture de Sèvres, De Vincennes à Woodman: histoire d’un clin d’œil.” La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre 150 (Sep./Oct. 2006): 20-27.
“Sessualità, banalità, identità.” Tema celeste/arte contemporanea, Jan./Feb. 2000: 70–71.
“Ceramics of Betty Woodman.” Craft Horizon 38.1 (Feb. 1978): 28–31.
“The View Through Betty Woodman’s Window.” The Globe and Mail, 25 Mar. 2011.
“Form and Fantasy.” Ceramic Review 223 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 30-35.
“Woodman’s Decorative Impulse.” Art in America, Nov. 2006: 102-109.
“Baroque Splendor.” Ceramic News (May/June 2000): 34–37.
“Ceramist Creates Joyful Clay, Paper Worlds Betty Woodman’s Art Invites Exploration.” CSA Journal 27 (June 2005).
"Betty Woodman." The New Yorker, 5 Dec. 2022.
“Korean Paintings Are Inspiration for Betty Woodman’s Ceramic Art.” The Montclair Times, 23 Jan. 2003: B1.
“New York Reviews.” ARTnews, Mar. 1982: 214.
“When Artists Take on Museums.” The Wall Street Journal, 13 Mar. 2012: D6.
“Betty Woodman.” New York Post, 5 May 2006: 48.
“What’s Clay Got to Do with It: Criticism and the Ceramic Arts.” Studio Potter 24.1 (Dec. 1995): 1–12.
“Review.” The New York Times, 20 Jan. 1984: C1.
“The Humble Vase Shows Its Colors and Its Versatility.” The New York Times, 28 Apr. 2006: E33, E36.
“Guilty as Charged.” Transcript from Art Talks on KCRW 89.9, 6 June 2006.
“Good Cheer in Dainty Porcelain.” The New York Times, 23 Mar. 1989: C1.
“The Vessel is Like a Pot.” American Ceramics 3.4 (Fall 1985): 38–41.
“Los Angeles, Betty Woodman, David Kordansky Gallery.” Artforum Reviews Apr. 2015: 256-257.
“Portrait of the Artist.” Artsreview (1987): 40.
“De aarzelende vazen Betty Woodman.” Beelding 7 (Sep. 1990): 9.
“From Function to Form.” Art in America, Nov. 1990: 166–71.
“Betty Woodman and George Woodman showcase works at Charleston Gallery.” STIR, 26 Mar. 2023.
“A New Look at a Groundbreaking Ceramics Artist.” The New York Times, 22 Oct. 2022.
“Review.” The Village Voice, 8 Feb. 1983: 58.
“Visual Arts / Betty Woodman.” Boulder Daily Camera, Feb. 1988: 15.
“Yes, They’re Clay, But Don’t Dare Call Them Ceramics.” The New York Times, 23 Apr. 2006: AR31.
“Betty Woodman: Stedelijk Museum.” Flash Art, Mar./Apr. 1997: 128.
“Met Exhibit Glazes Artist’s Career.” The Denver Post, 11 June 2006: 1F, 5F.
“The Wondrously Defiant Art of Contemporary Ceramics.” Hyperallergic, 5 Jan. 2023.
“Review–Student Union Gallery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.” Craft Horizons, Aug. 1971: 44.
“Museum Show Embraces as Art Ceramic Work Once Called ‘Craft’.” The Hartford Journal, 28 May 1992: A8, A12.
“An Interior Exchange: Cynthia Carlson and Betty Woodman in Collaboration.” Arts Magazine, May 1982: 134–35.
“Report from Santa Monica II: Tracking Patterns.” Art in America, Feb. 2004: 77–81.
“History Inspires Superb Potter.” Detroit Free Press, 22 July 1986: 3F.
“Review, Betty Woodman at David Kordansky Gallery.” The Los Angeles Times, 11 Mar. 2015.
“Jersey Footlights: Do Touch This Art.” The New York Times, 24 Nov. 2002: 14NJ14.
“Betty Woodman.” American Ceramics 14.1 (Winter 2001): 54.
“Seeing the Pattern.” Los Angeles Times, 21 Sep. 2003: E46.
“Betty Woodman: Salon 94.” Artforum, Summer 2011: 405.
“Betty and George Woodman, platter artists.” Financial Times, 26 Feb. 2023.
“Usable Art.” Portfolio (July/Aug. 1981): 60–63.
“Betty Woodman: The Joys of Negative Space.” Review, 15 Jan. 1997.
“Let Them Eat Cake.” The Village Voice, 5 Feb. 1985: 88, 93.
“Rites of Passage.” Ceramic Review, May/June 2000.
“At the Met: Betty Woodman.” American Craft (Oct./Nov. 2006): 44-47.
“Putty in Her Hands.” The Hartford Advocate, 18 June 1992: 23.
“Betty Woodman at Max Protetch.” Art in America, Nov. 2001: 153–54.
“Shaping the Future of Craft.” 2006 National Leadership Council, American Craft Council.
“Ceramics from New York.” Tile Fashion, March 2004.
“Breaking the Mold.” Gourmet, Jan. 2007.
“Betty Woodman.” Artforum, May 2006.
“Critics Picks: Vessels.” Artforum, June 2013.
“Vases in Flower,” The Village Voice, 10 Dec. 1991.
“Decoration Myths: Betty Woodman’s Ceramics.” The New Yorker, 15 May 2006: 89-90.
“Review.” American Craft (Apr./May 2000): 65–67.
“Feel More.” Frieze, Mar. 2016: 124-129.
“Pattern and Place.” Metropolis, Oct. 1984: 17–19, 26.
“A Kind of Wonderful Aesthetic Continuum.” Ceramics Magazine, Aug./Sep. 2006: 30-35.
“Review.” The New York Times, 14 Nov. 1986: C28.
“Sculpture in the City, From Blankets to Bronze.” The New York Times, 20 Apr. 1990.
"Betty & George Woodman: domestic ceramic from Italy to Charleston." Recessed Space, 5 May 2023.
“Reviews: New York, Betty Woodman.” Artnews, May 2008: 147.
“Betty Woodman: Fuciones y Ficciones.” Revista Internacional Ceramica 99 (2005): 79-80.
“Oggetti Utile per la Casa.” Cucina Italiana (Mar. 1978): 27.
“Vessels: The Human Connection.” Artweek (19 Apr. 1986): 3.
“Betty, Charlie, Francesca, and George.” Time Out Boston, 6 Dec. 2010.
“The Painted Garden: An Interview with Betty Woodman.” Studio Potter 27.1 (Dec. 1998): 44–65.
“Ceramist’s Odyssey of Clay: Italy.” Craft Horizons, May 1980: 18–19.
“Teapot Construction.” Ceramics Monthly, Mar. 1969: 12–15.
“Young at Art.” W, May 2015: 77-79.
“Engine of Delight.” Keramik Magazin, Nov./Dec. 1997: 22-24.
“From the Pedestal to the Wall: Works on Paper by Betty Woodman.” American Ceramics 11.4 (Fall 1994): 40–43.
“Revelations in Clay.” House & Garden, Sep. 1996.
“Review.” The New York Times, 17 Jan. 1997: C27.
“Pick of the Week.” The Village Voice, 2 Dec. 1986: 64.
“The Pattern with Exchange.” SoHo Weekly News, 9 Mar. 1982: 52.
“Fear of Clay.” Artforum No. 8 Apr. 1982: 70–71.
“Betty Woodman: The Joys of Negative Space.” Review (15 Jan. 1997): 26.
“Betty Woodman Pushes the Envelope.” New York Arts 5.1 (Jan. 2000).
“An American Picasso.” John Perreault’s Art Diary (27 Apr. 2006).
“Betty Woodman: Useful Fictions.” kerameiki techni: International Ceramic Art Review (Apr. 2002): 31–36.
“Betty Woodman–New York.” Ceramics Monthly (Nov. 1980): 40–43.
“Betty Woodman.” Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (Spring 1989): 109.
Ceramics: Art and Perception 2 (1990): 74–75.
“From Betty Woodman’s Ceramics to a Robert Rauschenberg Fabric Collage, Rarely Seen Collection Works Revealed in the Whitney’s Making Knowing: Craft in Art.” Artfix Daily, 18 Nov. 2019.
“In Search of the Cutting Edge.” Studio Potter 12.2 (June 1984): 1–20.
“Inspiration from Past Times and Distant Places.” The New York Times, 18 Oct. 1998: 14NJ15.
“The Italian Experience.” Studio Potter 11.2 (June 1983): 10–12.
“Keramicos.” International Ceramics Magazine, Feb. 1991: 63.
“Readings on Color.” Studio Potter 35.6 (Dec. 2006): 62-65, 94.
“Review.” American Ceramics 1.1 (Winter 1982): 53.
“Review: ‘Midtown’: That Chair’s Charming, but Can I Sit in It?” The New York Times, 25 May 2017.
“Review.” The New York Times, 4 Feb. 2000: E33.
“Review.” The New York Times, 20 Apr. 1990: C28.
“Review.” The New York Times, 7 Apr. 1989: C21.
“Role of the Potter.” Studio Potter 2.2 (Dec. 1976): 8–12.
“Salt Glaze: Twenty Approaches to the Technique.” Craft Horizons, Apr. 1972: 29.
“Twelve Colorado Potter.” Studio Potter 4.1 (Dec. 1979): 13–27.
“Acquisitions, July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008.” Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin, 2008: 170.
Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art with New York: Rizzoli International Publications
A production of Charles Woodman Video