
Paris, 2016.
Publication Spotlight
Published by the National Portrait Gallery, 2024.
Published by MACK, 2024.
Published by MACK, 2023.
Published by Gagosian, 2024.
Monographs and Solo Exhibition Catalogues
Holmes, Brooke. Francesca Woodman. New York: Gagosian, 2024.
Kraus, Chris. Francesca Woodman: Alternate Stories. New York: Marian Goodman Gallery, 2021.
Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. and Betsy Berne. Francesca Woodman: Photographs 1975-1980. New York: Marian Goodman Gallery, 2004.
Budney, Jen. Francesca Woodman. Modena: Galleria Civica di Modena, 1996.
Caruso, Rossella, et al. Francesca Woodman: Providence, Roma, New York. Rome: Castelvecchi Arte, 2000.
Gabhart, Ann, Rosalind Krauss and Abigail Solomon-Godeau. Francesca Woodman, Photographic Work. Wellesley: Wellesley College Museum; New York: Hunter College Art Gallery, 1986.
Gingeras, Alison M. Francesca Woodman: I’m trying my hand at fashion photography. New York: Marian Goodman Gallery, 2015.
Hixson, Kathrin, and Harm Lux. Francesca Woodman, Photographische Arbeiten/Photographic Works. Zurich: Shedhalle; Munster: Westfälischer Kunstverein, 1992.
Janus, Elizabeth, et al. Francesca Woodman. Paris: Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain; Zurich: Scalo, 1998.
Keller, Corey, ed., et al. Francesca Woodman. San Francisco: SFMOMA in association with DAP, New York, 2011.
Pierini, Marco, ed., et al. Francesca Woodman. Milan: Silvana Editoriale Spa, 2009.
Schor, Gabriele, and Elisabeth Bronfen. Francesca Woodman: Works from the Sammlung Verbund. Köln: Buchhandlung Walther König and New York: Artbook, 2014.
Francesca Woodman: Roma 1977-1981. Vienna: Agma Publishing, 2011.
Tejeda, Isabel, ed., et al. Francesca Woodman: Retrospectiva/Retrospective. Murcia: Espacio AV, 2009.
Tellgren, Anna, ed., et al. Francesca Woodman: On Being an Angel. Stockholm/London: Moderna Museet/Koenig Books, 2015. (Translated into Swedish, French, Spanish and German)
Townsend, Chris, Betsy Berne and George Woodman. Francesca Woodman. London: Phaidon Press, 2006.
Woodman, George. Francesca Woodman: The Blueprints. New York: Marian Goodman Gallery, 2012.
Artist's Books
Woodman, Francesca. Francesca Woodman: The Artist's Books. London: MACK, 2023.
Woodman, Francesca. Some Disordered Interior Geometries. Philadelphia: Synapse Press, 1981.
Woodman, Francesca, and George Woodman. Francesca Woodman’s Notebook. Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2011.
Other Books and Catalogues
Francesca Woodman: Portrait of a Reputation. New York: Rizzoli Electa, 2019.
“Ophelia, Photography, Dissolution.” Still Shakespeare and the Photography of Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020: 178-180.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 360°. San Francisco: SF MoMA, 2016.
Art and Photography. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2003.
“Saint Paul, Francesca Woodman, the Time of Now.” Conversione di Saulo. Rome: Arte Nova, 2000.
“Cinematic Paths in the Photographic Work of Francesca Woodman.” Donna Avanguardia Femminista Negli Anni ’70 dalla Sammlung Verbund di Vienna. Milano: Electa, 2010.
Visualizing Women in the Middle Ages: Sight, Spectacle, and Scopic Economy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
“The Self and the World: Negotiating Boundaries in the Art of Yayoi Kusama, Ana Mendieta, and Francesca Woodman.” Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-Representation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.
The Enchanted Interior. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Laing Art Gallery, 2019.
“Safe as Houses: Anamorphic Bodies in Ordinary Spaces: Miller, Varo, Tanning, Woodman.” Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and Surrealism. London: Prestel, 2009.
“Francesca Woodman’s Ghostly Interior Maps.” Surrealist Ghostliness. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2013.
Tankar om Francesca Woodman och hennes fotografiska rum. Umeå: Umeå universitet, 1996.
An American Century of Photography: From Dry Plate to Digital, The Hallmark Photographic Collection. Kansas City: Hallmark Cards in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1995.
New Time Art & Feminisms in the 21st Century. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Center, 2021.
ARTIST ROOMS: The First Five Years. London: Tate Publishing, 2015.
Affinities. London: Fitcarraldo Editions, 2023.
Underworlds: A Compelling Journey Through Subterranean Realms, Real and Imagined, 2023.
Eyemazing: The New Collectible Art Photography. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2013.
Surrealism: Fifty Works of Art You Should Know. Munich, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 2013.
Master Breasts: Objectified, aestheticized, fantasized, eroticized, feminized, by photography's most titillating masters. New York: Aperture Foundation, Inc., 1998.
Singular Women: Writing the Artist. Berkley: University of California Press, 2003.
Women Photographers: From Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman. London: Prestel Publishing Ltd., 2014.
Women Artists. London: Thames & Hudson, 2019.
“Francesca Woodman: Zwischen Spiegeln und Zeiten.” Female Trouble: Die Kamera als Spiegel und Bühne weiblicher Inszenierungen. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008.
Technologies of the Self-Portrait: Identity, Presence, and the Construction of the Subject(s) in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Art. New York and London: Routledge, 2023.
Traverser l’invisible: Énigmes figuratives de Francesca Woodman et Vivian Maier. Strasbourg: Atelier Contemporain, 2022.
The Story of Art Without Men. London: Penguin Random House, 2022.
Why It Does Not Have to Be In Focus: Modern Photography Explained. Munich, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 2013.
Bodyscapes. Tel-Aviv: A.R. Printing Ltd., 2020: 184-185.
“Problem Sets.” Bachelors. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989.
Camouflage. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.
A World History of Women Photographers. London: Thames & Hudson, 2022.
Becoming: The Photographs of Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
girls, girls, girls. Lismore Co Waterford: Lismore Castle Arts, 2022.
Great Women Artists. London: Phaidon Press, 2019.
Femmes Photographes: Emancipation et Performance (1850-1940). Vanves Cedex: Editions Hazan, 2009.
Dormir, rêver autres nuits. Lyon: Fage Editions, 2006.
Le Souci Des Plaisirs: Construction d’une érotique solaire. Paris: Éditions J’ai Lu, 2014.
American Photography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Drapé: Degas, Christo, Michel-Ange, Rodin, Man Ray, Dürer… Paris: LIENART éditions, 2019: 273, 298-299.
Entre chien et loup: works from the Meana Larrucea collection. Madrid: TF Editores, 2011.
Vanishing Presence. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center; New York: Rizzoli, 1989.
Francesca Woodman: The Roman Years Between Flesh and Film. Rome: Contrasto, June 2012.
The American Century: Art & Culture 1950-2000. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art and W.W. Norton & Co., 1999.
Love. London: Tate Enterprises Ltd., 2019.
Life in Motion: Egon Schiele/Francesca Woodman. Liverpool/London: Tate Publishing, 2018.
Jeux de mains. Paris: Chose Commune, 2021.
Francesca Woodman: Photographs. Ithaca: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, 2003.
Francesca Woodman and the Kantian Sublime. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2010.
Francesca Woodman’s Dark Gaze: The Diazotypes and Other Late Works. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2016.
Women Photographers and Feminist Aesthetics. London and New York: Routledge, 2017: 15-16, 50, 102-116.
“Girlish Games: Playfulness and ‘Drawingness’ in the Work of Francesca Woodman and Lucy Gunning.” Girls! Girls! Girls! In Contemporary Art. Chicago: Intellect Ltd., May 2011.
Beyond Photography 80. New York: The Alternative Museum, 1980.
"Let Women In! Surrealism Between Design, Misogyny, and the Gender Binary." Objects of Desire: Surrealism and Design, 1924—Today. Weil am Rhein: Vitra Design Museum, 2019: 181, 316, 357.
Sulla Superficie: Il pensiero superficiale nell’arte e nella cultura contemporanee. Florence: Edizioni Polistampa, 2023.
Frauen Sehen Frauen. Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 2001
Julia Margaret Cameron, Florence Henri, Francesca Woodman: l'arte del femminile. Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2017.
“Photographs, Notebooks, Interiority: Francesca Woodman’s Artist’s Books.” Photography and the Artist’s Book. Cambridge: MuseumsEtc, 2012.
“Francesca Woodman’s Artist’s Books.” MuseumsEtc: 10 Must Reads, Contemporary Photography. Cambridge, MA: MuseumsEtc, 2016.
“Just Like a Woman.” Photography at the Dock: Essays on Photographic History, Institutions and Practices. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1991.
“After You, Dearest Photography: Reflections on the Work of Francesca Woodman.” Between the Eyes: Essays on Photography and Politics. New York: Aperture Foundation, 2003.
“Dialogue and Double Allegiance: Some Contemporary Women Artists and the Historical Avant-Garde.” Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-Representation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.
"Vanishing Point: The Photography of Francesca Woodman." Inside the Visible. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989.
Acquisitions. Hamlebaek: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2012
The Artist’s Body. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2000.
“Francesca Woodman: A Ghost in the House of the ‘Woman Artist.’” Women Artists at the Millennium. Cambridge: October Books and MIT Press, 2006.
Keaney, Magdalene. Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In. London: National Portrait Gallery, 2024.
Eidolons: The Photographic Publication of Phillips Academy, Photographic Calendar (June 1974-Sep. 1975)
Relay: Circulating Ideas. CCW Graduate School, Mar.-May 2011.
“Time Being,” Conduit, no. 33, 2023.
Essays and Reviews
“Reappearing Act.” Art and Auction, Oct. 2006.
"Francesca Woodman." Parkett 13 (Jan. 1988).
“About Town – Photography.” “Andrew Scott Joins the Pantheon of Talented Mr. Ripleys,” edited by Alex Barasch. The New Yorker, Advance Magazine Publishers, Inc., 5 Apr. 2024.
“Francesca Woodman, photographe fulgurante de l’abandon ae de la cruauté.” Le Monde, 12 May 1998.
"Francesca Woodman Remembered." Open City 3 (1993).
“Body of Work.” Elle Magazine, Oct. 2004.
"Comète." LimeLight (June 1997).
“Surreal Spirit.” Telegraph Magazine, 4 Nov. 2006.
“Tragic Photo Artist Will Stay Forever Young.” The Herald, 13 Apr. 2009.
“How have some of the questions that ‘Meatyard’ was asking been approached by successive generations?” Influence, 2003: 36-41.
“La Artista Que Desnudó Su Vida.” El Pais, 28 Feb. 2009.
"Francesca Woodman: Photographic Work." The New York Times, 7 Mar. 1986.
“Tragic Photographer’s Images Boost City’s Cultural Ambition.” Yorkshire Post, 2 Aug. 2011.
“Francesca Woodman’s Notebook.” Bookforum, Dec./Jan. 2011: 38.
“Katarina Jerinic on Francesca Woodman.” HungerTV, 21 Sep. 2014.
“Picture This.” The Village Voice, 6-12 Dec. 2006.
"Francesca Woodman's The Artist's Books." The Brooklyn Rail, Aug. 2023.
“Melancholy reality.” The Guardian, 21 Aug. 1999.
“ARTIST ROOMS: Self Evidence Photographs by Woodman, Arbus and Mapplethorpe.” Georgina Coburn Arts, 9 Apr. 2019.
"Gibt es die Fotografie des Unsichtbaren?" Weinlander Zeitung, 16 June 1998.
"Photographs by Francesca Woodman." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies X.1 (1988).
“Francesca au corps à corps.” L’Express, 23 Apr. 1998.
“Francesca Woodman.” Dossier, 2008.
“Le Immagini Dell’Artista Americana in Monstra ad Arles.” Photo, 1998.
“Francesca Woodman.” Time Out, 9 Dec. 2010.
“Life in Motion: Egon Schiele & Francesca Woodman review – vulnerable beauty.” The Guardian, 27 May 2018.
“Art versus Life.” Art Quarterly, Spring 2011.
“Darkness Visible: Francesca Woodman.” The Nation, 15 Nov. 2004.
“L’infini silence de la Lumiere.” Pour Voir, July/Aug. 2000.
“Girl, Seeming to Disappear.” The Atlantic Monthly, May 2000.
"Een exercitie in Wegcijferen." Man, Oct. 1998.
"Woodmans verlangen naar de dood." Het Parool, 6 Oct. 1998.
"Francesca Woodman: The eerie images of a teenage genius." BBC Culture, 12 Dec. 2021.
"The enigma of Francesca Woodman and the extraordinary art she left behind." Financial Times, Jul. 1, 2023.
“Llamada en Espera Historias de Mujeres.” El Pais Bableia, 26 Sep. 2009.
"Foto's Van Francesca Woodman: De schaduw van een zelfgekozen dood." VRIJ Nederland, 12 Sep. 1998.
“At Victoria Miro.” London Review of Books, 20 Jan. 2011.
“Dialogues with Diagrams: Francesca Woodman’s Book, Some Disordered Interior Geometries.” re-bus, 2008.
“Visual art review: Life in Motion: Egon Schiele / Francesca Woodman at Tate Liverpool.” The Times, 24 May 2018.
“Francesca Woodman: Venus in Gefahr.” Zurichesee-Zeitung, 4 June 1992.
"Leven en dood van een engel." Eindhovens Dagblad, 23 Sep. 1998.
"Doppelbelichtung und Ubersinnlichkeit." Der Landbote, 8 July 1998.
“Francesca Woodman at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.” Eyemazing 4 (2012).
"Francesca Woodman." 4Columns, Nov. 2021.
“An Unexpected Pairing of Francesca Woodman andJulia Margaret Cameron.” Aperture, Aperture, 16 May 2024.
“Book Review: Francesca Woodman.” Popular Photography and Imaging, Jan. 2007.
“When Artists Take on Museums.” The Wall Street Journal, 13 Mar. 2012.
“Il ritorno di un mito: le foto di Francesca Woodman.” Arteletta, May 2000.
"Les fantômes se réveillent." Le Journal Des Arts, 8 July 1998.
“The immense impact Italy had on American photographer Francesca Woodman.” Dazed, 17 Sep. 2018.
“Holiday Books: Photography.” The New York Times, 3 Dec. 2006.
"The Flowering of Francesca Woodman: A Young Photographer's Tragic Life Blooms Again in her Heart." Sunday Camera, 13 Feb. 1987.
“Skewing it for themselves.” The Independent, 7 Oct. 2009.
"A Fleeting Glimpse of Francesca Woodman." Hyperallergic, 30 May 2020.
“A Room of One’s Own Imagining.” American Photo, Jan./Feb. 2007.
“Portraits to Dream In Goes beyond the Usual Appraisals of Art by Women.” British Journal of Photography, 1854 Media, 5 Apr. 2024.
“Francesca Woodman’s posthumous path to A-lister," The Art Newspaper, The Art Newspaper, 13 Mar. 2024.
“Dreamer on the sexual edge.” Evening Standard, 5 July 2000.
"Going Soft." SoHo News, 30 Apr.–6 May 1980.
“Not all negatives.” New Statesman, 6 Dec. 2010.
“Two Pioneering Photographers’ Versions of Femininity.” Hyperallergic, Hyperallergic. 11 June 2024.
"Francesca Woodman." The New York Times, 10 Dec. 1993.
"Vliegend in kamers, wandelend door muren." de Volkskrant, 26 Sep. 1998.
"Francesca Woodman." ARTnews, Apr. 1986.
“Female Trouble in Munchen.” Photopresse, 14 Aug. 2008.
“Fatal Attraction.” New Statesman, 23 Aug. 1999.
"Old Geometry: The Photographs of Francesca Woodman." The Print Collector's Newsletter XXV.2 (May-June 1994).
“Restless, original and never quite there.” Financial Times, 22 Nov. 2010.
"Exhibit gives many views of inner self." The Chicago Sun-Times, 6 Dec. 1998.
“Spectral Sketches of a Fragile Life.” The Financial Times, 10 July 2007.
“Torture.” Frieze, Jan.-Feb. 2000.
"Francesca Woodman en het efemere leven." HN Magazine, 24 Oct. 1998.
"Woodman and Cameron: Portraits to Dream in – Groundbreaking Female Photographers a Century Apart.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 20 Mar. 2024.
“Francesca Woodman: Disordinate Geometrie Interiori.” FlashArt XL. 262 (Feb.-Mar. 2007).
“Art Review: Life in Motion – Egon Schiele and Francesca Woodman, Tate Liverpool.” The Times, 27 May 2018.
“Francesca et les anges.” Connaissance des Arts, Apr. 1998.
“Exposing the Body, Baring the Soul.” The New York Times, 16 Mar. 2012.
“Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and Surrealism.” The Guardian, 25 Sep. 2009.
“Francesca Woodman.” Fotophile, Spring 1998.
“Portraits to Dream In Is More than TokenFeminism - It’s Heaven.” The i Paper, 21 Mar. 2024
"Three exhibitions to see in New York this weekend." The Art Newspaper, 17 Dec. 2021.
“Francesca Woodman.” The Skinny, May 2009.
“Here’s one I dreamed earlier…” The Observer, 26 Oct. 2009.
“Francesca Woodman.” Interview by Putri Tan. Gagosian Quarterly, 9 Feb. 2024.
"Problem Sets: The Canonization of Francesca Woodman." Afterimage, Nov. 1986.
“I’ll be your mirror.” Time Out Magazine, 4-11 Aug. 1999.
“A Fragile Generosity | Autumn, Art & Architecture in Venice.” Toast Magazine, 13 Sep. 2018.
“Francesca Woodman: Alternate @Marian Goodman.” Collector Daily, 9 Dec. 2021.
“Relatively Speaking: Mothers and Daughters in Art.” Brooklyn Museum, 1994-1996.
"Onbekende Hongaarse genieën." NRC Handelsblad, 22 July 1998.
“Amerikanische Fotografie der 70er Jahre.” 1995.
“Unruhestif Terinnen.” Elle, 11 Aug. 2008.
“Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron.” 4Columns,4Columns. 31 May 2024.
“El Fantasma de Francesca Woodman.” El Pais, 6 Sep. 2009.
"Francesca Woodman." Vis à vis, Spring 1994.
“Camouflage.” Lotus International, 2006.
"Schiele / Woodman: A Keen Sense of Grotesque and Distortion." Artlyst, 26 May 2018.
“Vanishing Act.” Tate Etc., Summer 2018: 56-59.
“Francesca Woodman’s Self Images: Transforming Bodies in the Space of Femininity.” Women’s Art Journal 25.1 (2004).
“The Unseen Photos of Francesca Woodman.” The Wall Street Journal Magazine, 22 Aug. 2019.
"Photographer Francesca Woodman Is the Subject of Two Groundbreaking New Shows.” Galerie, Galerie Magazine, 20 Mar. 2024
“Sharing a Guarded Legacy.” The New York Times, 4 Dec. 2011.
“A Dança Da Solidao.” ZUM, Nov. 2012.
"Francesca Woodman." The New York Times, 1 Dec. 2021.
“Francesca Woodman’s Crowning Achievement, and Mystery.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Mar. 2024.
“Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron at the NPG Review: Hundreds of Unforgettable, Magnificent Images.” Evening Standard, Evening Standard, 20 Mar. 2024.
“Imagen de la Desesperación.” Gara, 18 Sep. 2009.
“Haunting Vision.” The Denver Post, 17 Dec. 2006.
“Raw and Naked Truth.” The Scotsman, 12 May 2009.
"Um corpo por breves instantes." DNA, Spring 1999.
“Experimente mit den Tod.” Tages-Anzeiger, 3 June 1992.
“Francesca Woodman | Gagosian, New York City.” photograph, Photograph. 1 May 2024.
"Woodman explored the nature of want." The Boston Globe, 25 Feb. 1999.
“Este é o Meu Corpo?” Público, 22 Jan. 1999.
"A photographer's troubled vision." South End News, 4 Mar. 1999.
"Francesca Woodman." Artforum, May 1999.
“The Indelible Eye.” Art Press, Jan. 2007.
“Watch Closely: Gigi Giannuzzi on Francesca Woodman.” Photo District News, Aug. 2003.
“Retrato De La Artista Adolescente.” ABC Domingo, 6 Sep. 2009.
“Retrato Interior.” Yo Dona, 14 Feb. 2009.
“Woodman: Fotografie di un angelo caduto.” La Stampa, 5 Feb. 2000.
"Francesca Woodman: Photographic Work." C.E.P.A. Quarterly 2.1 (Fall 1986).
“Francesca Woodman.” The World of Interiors, May 2009.
“Francesca Woodman.” Frieze, Mar. 2011.
“She Was in Full Control.” Catalogue, 2014.
"Francesca Woodman." Exposicoes, 5 Mar. 1999.
“Retratos y Desgarros.” La Luna de Metropoli, 18-24 Sep. 2009.
“Half Gone.” The New Yorker, 8 July 2002.
“Now you see her, but most of the time you don’t…” The Observer, 21 Nov. 2010.
“Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In Review – an Intriguing Double Act.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 24 Mar. 2024.
“Semplicemente Dall’Altra Parte.” ArteDossier, May 2019.
“Francesca Woodman Solo Show Opens.” British Journal of Photography (8 Sep. 2014).
“The Woodmans.” Artforum, Mar. 2012.
“Life in Motion: Egon Schiele & Francesca Woodman review, Tate Liverpool – an explosion of youthful invention.” The Telegraph, 23 May 2018.
“Murcia se situa en el mapa.” El Pais, 17 May 2009.
"Four Snapshots." The Photo Review 12.4 (Fall 1989).
“MCA Denver Will Give Francesca Woodman Her First Major Colorado Exhibit.” Westword, 8 Jul. 2019.
“Francesca Woodman’s Photography: Death and the Image One More Time.” Signs, 27.4, Summer 2002.
“Francesca Woodman.” Exit Press, Mar. 2009.
“Dr. Kostas Prapoglou in conversation with Lissa McClure on the work of Francesca Woodman.” XIBT Magazine, Oct. 2021.
“Où conduisent les conduits?” Revue 303: Histoires de Cheminées, 2012.
“L’infini silence de la Lumiere.” Pour Voir, July 2000.
“Photographs Inspire the Next Generation.” Hull Daily Mail, 13 June 2011.
“Oleada de Tristeza.” El Pais, Babelia, 8 Nov. 2008.
“A Disappearing Act: Francesca Woodman’s Portrait of a Reputation.” Oxford Art Journal 27.1 (2004).
“Delicate Cutting: Francesca Woodman’s Articulation of the Photographic Coupe.” Object: Graduate Research and Reviews in the History of Art and Visual Culture 5 (2002/3).
“Pictures, Perhaps, of Her Despair.” The New York Times, 17 May 1998
“Removing Suicide as the Filter for Experiencing Francesca Woodman’s Photography.” Hyperallergic, 17 Dec. 2019.
“Building on Sand.” Make, June-Aug. 1999.
Frieze, May 1998.
“La Perturbadora Mirada de Francesca Woodman.” El Mundo, 21 Apr. 2009.
“Francesca Woodman.” ZOOM, Jan./Feb. 1996.
“Fugitive Photographs: Francesca Woodman.” The Paris Review, Spring 2014.
"Phantome, Kunstler, Scharlatane." Tages-Anzeiger, 15 June 1998.
“The Fierce Poetry of Francesca Woodman.” Italy, Italy XVIII.1 (2000).
"A Century of the Artist's Studio, 1920-2020: a fascinating peek into the (mostly) secret lives of artists." The Telegraph, 21 Feb. 2022.
"Come diventare fantasmi con i volti e i corpi di Francesca." Diario della Settimana, 20-26 May 1998.
“Il guanto, la lacuna el’anacronismo, o del segreto in Max Klinger, André Breton, Francesca Woodman e Deborah Levy.” Elephant & Castle, Sep. 2019.
“3.9. Sulle trace della fuggitva: l’addomesticamento (mancato) di Albertine tra cinema, letteratura e fotografia*.” Arabeschi –Rivisita internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità, 2023.
“The Social Body.” Transition: An International Review, Fall 1996.
“Artes novas no CCB.” Espectaculo, 22 Jan. 1999.
“After the Ruins.” Art Issues, Nov./Dec. 2001.
"Our Bodies, Our Icons." Vogue, Feb. 1986.
"Problem Sets." After Image, Dec. 1986.
“Clues to a Lost Woman: The Photography of Francesca Woodman.” The Missouri Review 33.3 (Fall 2010).
“Eerie visions from a life cut short.” Daily Telegraph, 13 Nov. 2010.
“Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Fascinating Exchanges between Two Photographers a Century Apart.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 20 Mar. 2024.
“Francesca Woodman.” Flash Art, Apr./May 2000.
“Tecla Sala presenta la primera retrospectiva de la fotografa Francesca Woodman.” La Vanguardia, 30 Nov. 1999.
“A Fearless Artist Stripped Bare.” Evening Standard, 11 Sep. 2014.
“Women by Women.” The Paris Review (Winter 2011).
“The Shimmering Path.” Mousse Magazine, Summer 2019.
"aus einer anderen Welt." Sonntags-Blick, 21 June 1998.
“Step into Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron's dreamy photographs in London.” Wallpaper, Future Publishing. 26 Apr. 2024.
“Disappearing Act.” Hotshoe International, July/Aug. 1999
“Standing in for herself.” Creative Camera, Aug./Sep. 1999
“Metamorphose und die Ästhetik des Verlusts: Lady of the Woods—Francesca Woodman’s transformative lense.” Internationale Psychoanalyse Band 8: Weiblichkeit und Schöpferisches, 2013.
"Francesca Woodman." Progresso Fotografico, Oct. 1979.
"Als Alice in Wonderland." Residence, Sep. 1998.
"Wij helpen haar een beetje onsterfelijk te worden." NRC Handelsblad, 15 Sep. 1998.
“Recupera el enigma.” El Cultural, 3 June 2009.
“Tragic End Casts Shadow Over Images.” San Francisco Chronicle and, 8-11 Dec. 2011: F1, F5, F7.
“The Dreamlike Visions of Julia Margaret Cameron and Francesca Woodman.” Apollo Magazine, Apollo Magazine, 5 Apr. 2024.
“Abseits der Amme: Frauen Fotografieren Frauen.” Die Rheinpfalz, 22 Aug. 2008.
“Francesca Woodman: A portrait of the artist.” The Wellesley News, 11 April 1986.
“Photographs explore female images.” The Wellesley News, 11 Apr. 1986.
“Francesca Woodman Was a Photographic Oracle of an Ancient World.” Artnet News, Artnet, 4 Apr. 2024.
“Betty, Charlie, Francesca, and George.” Time Out Boston, 6 Dec. 2010.
"A Promise Cut Short." Art Week 18.16 (25 Apr. 1987).
“The lady vanishes.” The Observer Magazine, 25 July 1999.
“How Photographer Francesca Woodman Came Into Her Own in Italy.” Another Magazine, 18 Sep. 2018.
“Double exposure: Francesca Woodman and Egon Schiele at Tate.” Financial Times, 25 May 2018.
“Francesca Woodman.” Financial Times, 13 Nov. 2010.
"A Century of the Artist's Studio - a spellbinding adventure through time and place." The Financial Times, 16 Feb. 2022.
“Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret Cameron: Portraits to Dream In by Isabelle Young.” Doris Press, 23 Apr. 2024.
“Diane Arbus, Robert Mapplethorpe and Francesca Woodman exhibition opens at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.” Art Daily, 9 Apr. 2019.
“Francesca Woodman Reconsidered: A Conversation with George Baker, Ann Daly, Nancy Davenport, Laura Larson, and Margaret Sundell.” Art Journal 62.2. (Summer 2003).
“Francesca Woodman, Edinburgh.” The Guardian, 11 Apr. 2009.
“Gallery Round-Up.” The Herald, 4 Apr. 2009.
“Her Own Best Model.” Photo District News, Aug. 2006.
Harper’s Magazine, Feb. 1999.
“Francesca Woodman.” C International Photo Magazine No. 6. London: Ivory Press, 2008.