
NOW ON VIEW: George Woodman in "Who Is There?", DC Moore Gallery, New York, 2024

DC Moore Gallery, New York

through August 9

This group exhibition of personal, expressive landscapes features works that merge abstraction and representation, depicting threshold spaces and hybridized forms where the observed and the imaginative meet. Evoking the viewer's physical presence in the landscape, these works bring forth sensations of light, heat, and weather. In many works, the presence of a figure is implied but not made visible, eliciting the question, “who is there?”

In the early 1980s, George Woodman began to incorporate layers of imagery into his pattern paintings rather than working strictly with the abstract geometry of his earlier works—as Peter Frank wrote in 1981: "Woodman has broken his unwritten vow of non-objectivity by introducing representational silhouettes into his pastel-toned jigsaw puzzles." In the painting on view at DC Moore, a floral pattern overlaps with Woodman’s rendering of the mythic Daphne, confusing the figure / ground relationship such that she alternately becomes and emerges from landscape.

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