Acropolis of Athens, Athens, Greece, 1971 and 1966: SUMMER TRAVELS WITH THE WOODMAN FAMILY

The Woodman family made at least two trips to Greece together—or more as Francesca later described when discussing her monumental diazotype construction of a temple:
"It’s funny how while I was living in Italy the culture there didn’t affect me that much and now I have all this fascination with the architecture etc, Francesca who as a child visited the Acropolis 3 times and always yawned.” The impact and influence of classical ruins, the architecture as well as the female form, can also be seen in both Betty’s and George’s work over many decades.
Here are snapshots from the family’s travels there in 1971 and 1966. These included visits to Athens as well as boat trips to some of Greece’s many islands, which left time for relaxing and reading along the way. Note Francesca reading about Mary Queen of Scots with a biography of Queen Victoria nearby, which also later found its way into her work.
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